How to identify Original Ankara Fabric from Fake

Ankara is a commonly worn fabric by Africans… It is usually colorful and very beautiful with different print designs and patterns known as “Ankara prints”.

But since it’s common to see a fake copy of its product here in Nigeria, then it is best for us to educate you on “how to identify its original from the fake products” because everyone deserves to get a value for their money.

Tip 1

Take Note of the Texture

Original Ankara fabrics are usually smoother when touched. But then, If it is rough or coarse, then it is possibly fake…

Tip 2

Check out it’s labeling

Original Ankara fabrics always have the manufacturer’s name, product name and design number printed at the selvage of the fabric. Therefore, Don’t fall for anyone less of this vital information…

Tip 3

It should be Water Resistant

Fake Ankara materials always wash off its color when dipped into the water. So to test this, put a little water on your palm and just rub it on the body of the material. If it wears off, then it isn’t original

Tip 4

Observe the Colour

Ankara fabrics are known to have a deeper color in the front than at the back, nevertheless, for a super original Ankara fabric; It is always very difficult to identify the back of the Ankara from the front because they both look very alike.

It is common knowledge that no matter how talented your tailor is, the style never shines in a substandard Ankara material as it does in an authentic Ankara fabric… So, With these few tips, I hope you remember to look and test properly; before you purchase your next Ankara fabric…

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